Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Thanksgiving Cottage Highlights

Hey guys Dave here, this post will focus on the highlights of cottaging at Port Cunnington lodge this thanks giving '08. That's a photo of the beautiful lodge. It felt like summer for the 4 days we were there. But before we go into the relaxing vacation I need to share the Solomon tradition of stopping at Webbers. The highly priced not overly special burger and fries truck stop that you have to eat at before going to Port Cunnington. :)
The food was only ok but the important part was spending time with family. It was also funny how Talon has built in social skills ring leading the other random kids around the picnic table. Oh yeah and he was younger than all of them too.
So after a 3 hour car ride we finally arrive at Port Cunnington Lodge. The sight was breathtaking with changing leaves, clear clean lake water a stone throw away and let's not forget to mention the deer which greet us visitors as if they've done it a thousand times before.
So let's take a look "the wren". The cottage we stayed at during our time here. My first and last time to be there because it's being torn down to make room for a new and improved cottage. Now let me clarify here. I didn't actually stay at the wren. I stayed in a more modern open concept cottage about a 2 minute walk down the trail. However I felt that the wren had a warmer feel to it. Kind of like "I could've grown up in the this cottage" type feeling. But they were both awesome! Now let's take a look at some highlights of the trip.
It's been eight years since I last canoed. Canoeing is fun. People should canoe more often. Did I mention I like to canoe? :) And I had a beautiful view in front of me. Haha ok cheese. I love my wife, it's no secret.
Hiking on the orange trial allowed us to see 3 deer all at once. Being out in nature reminds me of when I was a scout. Camping was the best part. Hiking on the orange trail also allowed us the chance to see Neal knock over a tree. Yeah, you read that right. He knocked over a tree. If you don't believe me take a look at this:I just had to mention this for obvious reasons. Neal does funny crap. :) Thanks Mom and Dad Solomon for getting the cottage this year. It's a must have tradition that'll continue for years to come. Webbers too :)

Morning Sickness... more like ALL DAY sickness

I've been a real blog slacker since creating this blog over a month ago now. Not that there hasn't been any fun or exciting developments in my life since then. There have!

As many of you know by now, Dave and I are expecting our first child in May of 2009. We are totally thrilled, happy, excited, scared, and every other emotion you can feel when you receive such news. I am currently 9 1/2 weeks and up until recently have been feeling pretty good. The nausea however has started to ravage my body with a vengeance and there doesn't appear to be an end in sight! I am having a moment of clarity now and for the time being don't feel like throwing up. Throwing up might in fact be a relief. But no, just a constant feeling that I am going to vomit but never will. The fatigue is becoming almost more than I think I can bare. I am in awe of how much of me my baby needs to thrive right now. I am happy to oblige but am praying for this first trimester to end soon so I can really start enjoying this pregnancy.

I can't say enough about how great Dave has been during this personality transplant of mine. One minute I'm crying and want him to hold me, the next I'm nauseated and need my space. During it all, he just rubs my back and tells me loves me and how beautiful I am... really, don't shake your heads ladies, my husband is simply that terrific! He runs out for food at a moments notice, (cravings are begining already, or is it psychosomatic, who knows!), and basically caters to my every whim.

I've finally relented and this morning called my MD to beg for Diclectin. I didn't want to take it but I think the time has come for me to just admit that I need it. I was supposed to work today, but got three blocks from home and turned around, ran into the bathroom and hoped to be sick but couldn't, I called the charge nurse and told her I wouldn't be in today. My boss is awesome and is really accomodating. Until about 11:30 this morning the only time I didn't feel like vomiting was if I lay flat and didn't move an inch.

Having said all of that, I'm really excited for our first meeting with the midwife tomorrow. Dave is coming with me and as far as I'm aware it's really just an info session so we can both understand what a midwife does, etc... I've done a lot of reading and have carefully chosen to use a midwife so I can't wait to meet her and start building a relationship with her. Then next week we have an early ultra sound to more accurately establish the due date. I'll try to be more prompt with another post to keep you informed.

In the meantime, I'm going to just enjoy the fact that as of right now, I feel pretty darn good, in fact, I may even go wash the dishes.... on second thought......

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